Post Job Ads for FREE!

Start posting job ads on KitaLulus for free. Reach over 7 million job seekers!

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Trusted by 100K+ Renowned Companies

Why Post Your Job Ads on KitaLulus?

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Reach 7 million+ Talents

7 million+ candidates for you to source and screen

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Start posting your job ads on KitaLulus for free

Always here to help

Reach out to our account managers if you need help

Manage All Job Applications in One Dashboard

Post job ads and manage incoming applications with an easy-to-use dashboard

Hiring Employees Has Never Been Easier

Post your job ads easily and start screening candidates in one central location

Start your employee search with three easy steps:

Click the ‘Register' button below.

Fill in the details and register your company.

Manage job applications with one user-friendly Dashboard

What They Say About Posting Jobs for Free on KitaLulus

“The features built for HR and management is good, and it has been great help to my company. We have received many competent candidates. I hope that KitaLulus will become more successful.”

Suni Putri

HRD PT. Mandiri Andalan Utama

"KitaLulus is the fastest job platform. Within a few days, we have received applications from qualified candidates."

Agung Sutamo

HRD PT Anugerah Graha Plasindo

"The KitaLulus platform makes it easier for recruiters to hunt for candidates required by the company. From posting job ads to getting candidates – it has been made easier by the KitaLulus team."

Aulia Antika

HRD PT. Serikat Hantar Ekspedisi Seryu Cargo


These are answers to a set of frequently asked questions.
Please don’t hesitate to reach out via WhatsApp if you have further questions.

01. Are there any fees for posting job advertisements on KitaLulus?

It is free to start posting job ads on KitaLulus. Once the initial quota has been utilized, you may choose from one of our price plans to continue.

02. Where will my job vacancies be showcased?

Your job ad will be displayed on both the KitaLulus app and website once you post them. The KitaLulus app has been downloaded by over 7 million users.

03. How long will my job vacancies stay on the KitaLulus platform?

The default time is 30 days. You may choose to extend or shorten the time based on your needs.

04. Can I post multiple job vacancies for different roles?

Absolutely! There are no restrictions on the number of job ads that you can post on KitaLulus. You can simultaneously post multiple job ads for different positions, tailored to your company’s needs.

05. How quickly can I expect to receive candidates?

We understand the urgency in finding suitable candidates. Typically, HR/recruiters posting job ads on KitaLulus receive qualified applications within just 2 days.

06. Is creating an account on the KitaLulus app necessary for posting job vacancies?

We highly recommend that you create an account so that you can access the central dashboard to view and manage all your job applications.