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How do I apply for a BUMN job?

Where should I look to find out about upcoming positions and their requirements? Is a medical check-up necessary? Do I also need a police record certificate (SKCK) as well?




Is this job for real?

I just got a call from PT Doremi, asking me to come for an interview tomorrow. However, the document requirements are unclear, and the interview location is not at their office. Is this legit? Should I be concerned?




What major should I pursue for a career in mining?

I'd like to ask everyone. If I want to work in mining or a related field, should I major in materials metallurgy engineering or geophysics? Thanks in advance for your answers.




What's the admin test like?

Hello, I'd like to know what kind of tests are usually given for an admin position? I have an interview later today. Thanks for your answers, friends!

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What do they say about
recruiting with KitaLulus?

Our go-to solution for recruitment challenges. The KitaLulus team is incredibly responsive, providing quick solutions and significantly speeding up our hiring with their job promotion feature. The quality of candidates we receive is consistently high, meeting our company's needs and leading to successful hires who stay with us long-term.

Brigita Fani

PT Primafood International

As recruiters, we are required to source and screen many candidates. By using KitaLulus, my work becomes easier. Since using the AI screening feature, I have been able to shorten my time spent on screening candidates.

Claudia Dian

PT. Tirtakencana Tatawarna (Avian Brands)

Sejauh ini 80% kandidat sudah dapat dari KitaLulus. Dari posisi staff level maupun manajerial kami berhasil mendapatkan pelamar sesuai kualifikasi.
Berhasil rekrut: Manajer Restoran, Staf Restoran

Aliful Hamzah

F&B - PT Mahawirya Makmur Sentosa

KitaLulus masih jadi platform utama dalam mencari kandidat. Tools yang yang disediakan oleh KitaLulus sangat nyaman untuk digunakan. Dari sisi Kandidat juga terpenuhi. Di banding platform lain, lebih efisien menggunakan KitaLulus. Ketika klik nama langsung terlihat semua informasi, tidak perlu repot untuk copy & langsung undang lewat WhatsApp. 10/10 untuk pelayanannya.
Berhasil rekrut: Pramuniaga, Teller

Clara Rahayu

Keuangan - Pusat Gadai Indonesia